I have shot film my whole life, Black & White and Color, both. Even wen I was developing my own B&W film and doing my own enlargements, I would be frustrated by the time lag between 'The Shot' and the finished vision. Digital photography is great for the feedback, but there are great limitations on the creative aspect of shooting images in the camera...I cannot do multiple exposures on one frame without adding files together in my computer, the texture and feel of a shot doesn't always carry across to digital - at least that is my excuse. A few weeks ago, I landed a Polaroid back for my medium format camera. I suddenly have the instant feedback about a shot using film that I have been missing. Each of the finished photos is a work of art on its own, and then there is the chemical negative. Here is a tree that I shot with Polaroid, lying on my back pointing up at the sky:
and here is the chemical negative that peeled from the photo:
I was going to follow these shots (I took a number of them with slightly different settings and framing) with a film shot for enlargement, but the light suddenly changed and I was forced to move on. The point is that I have a way of composing and testing a shot, and even using the original Polaroid as a gift.